【片 名】 酒濃於血/歃血為酒Blood Into Wine
【片 長】 98
【配 置】 Blu-ray Disc,單層容量25G,支援1080P
【語 言】 英DTS-HD/英導評
【字 幕】 英/西/中文簡體/中文繁體
【導 演】 Ryan Page
【主要演員】 Glenn Alexander
Keenan's various musical entities (Tool, Puscifer and A Perfect Circle) have sold over 10 million records in the US alone while the man himself has revealed little of his personal life. “Blood Into Wine” gives unprecedented insight into Keenan's world and his motivations for taking on the arduous task of bringing winemaking to the region’s unforgiving landscape and how winemaking fits into Keenan's creative trajectory. The film is being co-directed by Ryan Page and Christopher Pomerenke (the filmmakers behind critically acclaimed documentaries Moog and The Heart Is A Drum Machine) and is set to wrap production in September with a limited theatrical release in February and March 2010. With the striking setting playing such an integral role in the shaping of this story, Page and Pomerenke elected to use a Red One camera (one of the highest quality digital cinema cameras available). The film is being shot by Cary Truelick, edited by Rob Beadle, and produced by Ryan Page, Christopher Pomerenke, Chris McDaniel, and Jason Stall. Maynard James Keenan, internationally known as the front man for Tool, A Perfect Circle and Puscifer, is one of music's most mysterious figures. A multi-million selling artist, little is known about the reclusive rock star who often dresses in costume and rarely gives interviews. In the mid-1990's, on a whim, Keenan left Los Angeles and moved to an Arizona ghost town (population 300). A wine enthusiast, he began to envision a world class wine region on the Verde Valley's craggy slopes and with wine mentor Eric Glomski (former David Bruce winemaker and current owner of the award-winning Page Springs Cellars), Keenan began the long road to bringing credibility and notoriety to Caduceus and Arizona Stronghold Vineyards amidst wine industry prejudice and the harsh Arizona terrain. Blood Into Wine takes viewers into the struggles and triumphs with a unique blend of comedy and master storytelling. |
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